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2024-06-07 16:55:27      来源:京报网

Healinno Tech™️, a Chinese healthcare company, shortlisted the top 25 2024 WIPO Global Awards

★ 令人瞩目的创新力,独特的价值主张 ★

With a number of world-first invention patents and impressive innovation capabilities, Healinno Tech™️ was awarded the top 25 WIPO Global Award. Healinno Tech™️ represents China's start-up enterprises in the healthcare industry and has been shortlisted for this award, indicating WIPO's great recognition of Healinno Tech™️'s comprehensive strength, including the technological innovation and commercialization of metaFlow™️ automated high-energy water jet surgical robots (water jet surgical robots), feasibility and unique value proposition, potential as a startup to contribute to global sustainable development goals, vision in commercializing IP, and the catalyzing role IP plays in achieving business growth, etc.

凭借多项全球首创发明专利和令人瞩目的创新能力,北京智愈医疗科技有限公司(智愈医疗)荣膺WIPO Global Award 25强。智愈医疗代表中国医疗健康领域初创型企业入围本次WIPO全球奖,表明WIPO对智愈医疗综合实力的高度评价,包括metaFlow高能水射流自主手术机器人(水刀手术机器人)产品技术创新性、商业可行性和独特价值主张,作为初创公司为全球可持续发展目标做出贡献的潜力,在知识产权商业化方面的愿景,以及知识产权在实现业务增长方面所起到的催化作用等。

★ 全球最具权威知识产权奖项,中国仅4家企业入围 ★

Since the WIPO Global Award, hosted by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), a specialized agency of the United Nations, was launched in 2022, a total of 13 Chinese companies have been shortlisted as finalists. As the most prestigious award in the field of intellectual property, this year’s WIPO Global Awards competition received a total of 667 applications from 107 countries, covering creative industries, food, environment, health and other fields. In the end, only 25 companies worldwide ( 4 Chinese companies) were shortlisted for the finals.

由联合国专门机构世界知识产权组织(WIPO)承办的产权组织全球奖(WIPO Global Award),自2022年开始举办以来,共计13家中国企业入围了决赛。作为知识产权领域最负盛名的奖项,产权组织全球奖今年的比赛共收到来自107个国家的667份申请,涉及创意产业、食品、环境、健康等多个领域,最终全球仅25家企业(中国企业4家)入围决赛。

★ 在满足全球BPH手术需求方面处于领先地位 ★

Healinno Tech's intelligent image-guided automated waterjet surgical robot (metaFlow™) facilitates benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) treatments. IP-protected innovations, including multi-dimensional ultrasound image-based adaptive surgical planning,precise water jet control and automated surgical operation, establish a competitive market advantage for the company. With 94 million BPH patients worldwide expected to require surgery in the next decade, including 25 million Chinese patients, and only 500,000 surgeries currently performed annually in China, there is a significant unmet demand. Healinno Tech™️ is well-positioned to lead in addressing this need and is committed to allow more patients around the world to access high-quality, appropriate and affordable. treatments through leading technology and innovation.


